Soil Culture ZSB

Soil Culture ZSB are beneficial microorganisms that convert insoluble zinc into a soluble form, making it available to plants. Soil Culture ZSB increases zinc uptake in plants, enhances plant growth and yield and improves crop quality and nutritional value by reducing zinc deficiency in plants.


Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria

Soil Culture ZSB are beneficial microorganisms that convert insoluble zinc into a soluble form, making it available to plants. Soil Culture ZSB increases zinc uptake in plants, enhances plant growth and yield and improves crop quality and nutritional value by reducing zinc deficiency in plants.


  1. Increases zinc uptake in plants and reduces zinc deficiency and chemical fertilizer requirements.
  2. Enhances plant growth, yield, and quality and boosts grain production and productivity and promotes sustainable agriculture practices.
  3. Supports plant immunity and stress tolerance and enhances drought tolerance and nutrient cycling.
  4. Compatible with integrated nutrient management practices, economically beneficial, reducing cost of cultivation.
  5. Improves soil health, fertility, and microbial activity and supports human health through zinc-rich crops.

Dose: 50 g per Acre


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